Quality improvement (QI) is a systematic, formal approach to the analysis of practice performance and efforts to improve performance. A variety of approaches—or QI models—exist to help you collect and analyze data and test change. While it’s important to choose a reputable QI model to guide your efforts, it’s more important that you fully commit to using the QI process and good QI practices. (https://www.aafp.org/practice-management/improvement/basics.html)
VIDEO: Quality Improvement in Healthcare
Quality Improvement Models and Tools
Plan-Do-Study-Act [PDSA] cycles (www.ihi.org): The Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s Model for Improvement combines two popular QI models: Total Quality Management (TQM) and Rapid-Cycle Improvement (RCI). The result is a framework that uses PDSA cycles to test interventions on a small scale.
Six Sigma(asq.org): Six Sigma is a method of improvement that strives to decrease variation and defects.
Lean(www.ihi.org) is an approach that drives out waste and improves efficiency in work processes so that all work adds value.
QI Project Example

Graded Chronic Pain Scale Review (Journal)- https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1fWpRTv8Isdj83W0386Iyrh6BXN-Zjsvf