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1.Disaster/Crisis Services

2.Drug and Alcohol


4.Mental Health



1. Disaster/Crisis Services

National Suicide Hotline


Agape Family Shelter

139 S. 9th St.

Lebanon, PA 17042

(717) 272-6573

Provides temporary shelter for homeless women and their children.

American Red Cross

1220 Mifflin Street

Lebanon, PA 17046-3347

(717) 273-2671

Provides services to military families and Veterans and Disaster Relief.

Crisis Intervention and Information Center - Good Samaritan Hospital

4th and Walnut St.

Lebanon, PA 17042

(717) 274-3363

Domestic Violence Intervention of Lebanon County

PO Box 42

Lebanon, PA 17042

(717) 273-7190

Provides support, counseling for victims of domestic violence. Offers therapy, support,

information and resources.

Lebanon County Christian Ministries

250 S. 7th St.

Lebanon, PA 17042

(717) 274-2601 LCCM

(717) 272-4400 HOPE

(717) 274-2490 Food/Clothing

Serves anyone with an emergency material need.

Lebanon County Emergency Management Agency

Room 12, Municipal Bldg.

400 S. 8th St.

Lebanon, PA 17042

(717) 272-7621

Lebanon Rescue Mission

439 S. 6th St.

Lebanon, PA 17042

(717) 273-2301

Provides housing for homeless men and a structured program for individuals with drug and alcohol related problems and parolees of Lebanon County.

Salvation Army

1031 Guilford St.

PO Box 1109

Lebanon, PA 17046

(717) 273-2655

Provides limited assistance with fuel, utilities and medication. Provides mortgage assistance when the home is in danger of foreclosure.

2. Drug and Alcohol

Another Chance Counseling

607 S. 14th Ave.

Lebanon, PA 17042

(717) 272-7897

Individual therapy for drug addiction, alcoholism and marriage counseling.

Caron Foundation

Box 150, Galen Hall Road

Wernersville, PA 19565


Treatment center for adults, adolescents and families.

CBHNP - Community Behavioral Healthcare Network of Pennsylvania


800-654-5984 TTY

711 PA Relay

Crisis Intervention & Information Center

Good Samaritan Hospital

4th and Walnut St.

Lebanon, PA 17042

(717) 274-3363

Lebanon County Commission on Drug and Alcohol Abuse

220 E. Lehman St.

Lebanon, PA 17046

(717) 274-0427

Mazzitti and Sullivan, Inc

561 West Chocolate Ave

Hershey, PA 17033


New Perspective of White Deer Run

3030 Chestnut St.

Lebanon, PA 17042

(717) 270-3900

PA Counseling Services Inc.

200 N. 7th St.

Lebanon, PA 17046

(717) 272-1653

PA Counseling Services Renaissance

701 Chestnut Street

Lebanon, PA 17042

(717) 274-2741

PAKS - Parents of Addicted Kids

Trinity United Methodist Church

210 West Main Street

Hummelstown, Pa 17036


Teen Challenge

PO Box 98

Rehrersburg, PA 19550

(717) 933-4181

3. Housing

AGAPE Family Shelter

139 S 9th St, Lebanon, PA 17042

(717) 272-6573

Bridge of Hope Lebanon County

210 e. Main Street, A

Annville, PA 17003

(717) 685-1231

Center for Independent Living Disability Empowerment Center

243 Schneider Drive

Lebanon, PA 17046

(717) 769-2922

FRESH START - Emergency Shelter & Resource Center

250 S. 7th Street, Lebanon PA


Habitat for Humanity Lancaster & Lebanon County

443 Fairview Ave, Lancaster, PA 17603

(717) 392-8836

Home Modification Program

(717) 780-3800

Lebanon Rescue Mission

1223 Bittner Blvd

Lebanon, PA 17046

(717) 273-2301

Community Action Partnership

503 Oak Street

Lebanon, PA 17042

(717) 273-9328

4. Mental Health

Another Chance Counseling

607 S. 14th Ave.

Lebanon, PA 17042

(717) 272-7897

ARC of Dauphin and Lebanon County

2569 Walnut Street

Harrisburg, PA 17103-1760

(717) 920-ARCS (2727)

VA Medical Center

Building #27, 1st Floor

1700 South Lincoln Avenue

Lebanon, PA 17042

(717) 270-5307


Community Behavioral Healthcare Network of Pennsylvania


711 PA Relay

How do I access services?

The above can assist you in identifying your child/adolescent’s needs for mental health or

substance abuse services and connect you to the appropriate agency for assessment and/or


If it is an emergency, you will be connected with crisis intervention or an inpatient facility

for immediate assistance and assessment.

If your child/adolescent’s behavioral health needs can be met by out patient treatment or an

evaluation, you can schedule this service with the provider of your choice without prior

authorization. BHRS services require a psychological or psychiatric evaluation to be


Compeer Program of Lebanon County

250 S. 7th St., Suite 1

Lebanon, PA 17042

(717) 272-8317

Counseling and Family Life Education (COBY)

Palmyra Area Counseling Center

25 N. Chestnut St.

Palmyra, PA 17078

(717) 838-2290


Good Samaritan Hospital

4th and Walnut St.

Lebanon, PA 17042

(717) 274-3363

Connie Davis

Lakeview Road

Mt. Gretna, PA 17064

(717) 964-3850

Individual, marital and family counseling.

Edgewater Children’s Servicers

2101 N. Front Street, Suite 104

Harrisburg, PA 17101

(717) 238-1565

Family Focus/Catholic Charities

1431 Walnut St.

Lebanon, PA 17042

(717) 273-3011

Fredericksburg Family Therapy and Counseling Center

PO Box 452

Tan and Chestnut St.

Fredericksburg, PA 17026

(717) 865-0496

Lebanon County CASSP (Child and Adolescent Service System Program)

220 East Lehman St.

Lebanon, PA 17046-3930

717 274-3415

Lebanon County Mental Health/Mental Retardation Program

220 E. Lehman St.

Lebanon, PA 17046

(717) 274-3415

(717) 274-3363 Crisis Intervention 24-Hour

Mental Health Association of Lebanon County

15 N. 9th St.

Lebanon, PA 17046

(717) 273-5781

PA Counseling Services Inc.

200 N. 7th St.

Lebanon, PA 17046

(717) 272-1653

PA Counseling Renaissance Counseling Center

701 Chestnut St.

Lebanon, PA 17042

(717) 274-2741


204 Hathaway Park

Lebanon, PA 17042

(717) 273-8871

T.W. Ponessa

15 S. 9th Street

Lebanon, PA 17042


Ventura Psychological Services

409 E. Elm St.

Lebanon, PA 17042

(717) 270-8844

Youth Advocate Programs, Inc

518 South 8th Street

Lebanon, PA 17042


Contact for BHRS: April Habecker

5. Transition

Center for Independent Living

Disability Empowerment Center

243 Schneider Drive,

Lebanon, PA 17046

(717) 769-2922

Services include ADA technical assistance, sensitivity awareness training, peer helper

groups, PA Transportation Alliance, Statewide Action Team and Rural Accessibility

Modification Project (RAMP).


815 Cumberland Street #206

Lebanon, PA 17042

(717) 273-2090

Provides budget counseling as well as specialized career counseling for low-income single

parents, homemakers and pregnant/parenting teens, so that they can attain emotional and

economic independence.


Quality Employment Services and Training, Inc.

704 Metro Drive

Lebanon, PA 17042

(717) 273-8118


Provides vocational evaluation, training and job placement for individuals with disabilities

over the age of 17.

6. Transportation

County of Lebanon Transit

Authority (COLT)

COLT buses and mini-buses are fully accessible. If for some reason you are unable to get to the bus stop and are ADA certified, call COLT for more information on how to get a ride on the complimentary para-transit service or on how to apply for ADA certification.

(717) 274-3664.

Bus Service

6:00 am to 6:00 pm.

Monday - Saturday.

For fare information call:

(717) 274-3664.

Mini Bus Service

Inside City Limits

8:00 am to 5:30 pm

Monday - Saturday

8:00 am to 3:00 pm


Outside City Limits

8:00 am to 4:00 pm

Monday - Friday

8:00 am to 2:00 pm


Lebanon County Community Action Partnership

Medical Assistance Transportation Program

503 Oak Street

Lebanon, PA 17042

(717) 273-9328

Arranges transportation for Medical Assistance Recipients

Transportation and Child Care Program

(717) 273-9328

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